Exhibition Stand Storage Facilities

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If you’ve just completed your first exhibition and you are exhibiting again in a few months, have you ever considered exhibition stand storage? At Insideout, we understand just how much time, effort and money go into building exhibition stands and how building a new stand for every exhibition is anything but cost-effective, especially if you’re exhibiting a few times in one year. So, we offer storage solutions for all of our clients which can be paid quarterly, annually, or at a discounted rate if stand elements are reused throughout the year.

Why Store Your Exhibition Stand Post-Event?

There are many reasons to store your exhibition stand with us post-event. If you plan to exhibit multiple times in one year, it makes more sense to revamp parts of your existing stand instead of creating new stand. We can repaint, change the graphics and add extra bits to create the illusion of a new stand. By reusing your stand, you’re not only saving pennies but doing wonders for the environment too.

Equally it may not be beneficial to store your stand if your stand does not consist of many bespoke elements. It is typically the custom-made components that can be stored. Elements such as lighting, AV, chairs and tables and walls are on a rental basis per show whereas the flooring is disposed of after every event. If your stand is mainly walls, floor and furniture, then there is technically not anything to store for the next event. Overall we strongly recommend storing bespoke items from your exhibition stand and utilising our bespoke stand design services year on year.

Benefits of Storing your Exhibition Stand

Exhibition stand storage is a great way to keep your exhibition stands safe and secure while they are not in use. It can help you save space and money, and can be a more sustainable solution for those conscious of their environmental impact of trade shows. Furthermore, exhibition stand storage solutions can provide additional benefits such as providing easy access to the stands and protecting them from environmental damage. With the right exhibition stand storage solution, you can ensure that your stands are always ready for use whenever you need them.

Secure Exhibition Storage Facilities

Our secure storage facilities are the perfect solution for your exhibition stand once your event is done. We provide secure storage at a small fee estimated by a price per cubic meter on a monthly basis. This can either be invoiced quarterly or annually. Storing and re-using the stand 3 times per year can half the storage cost. If you would like to re-use more than 4 times a year we can store it free of charge! 

Our storage is off-site so please note that some costs will be involved in getting your items in and out of storage. We also charge a small fee to clean up and refurb any stand parts that require it. The stand should never appear as if it has been re-used; we ensure that it is looking brand new for each event. 

To book a space in our storage unit after your event, we recommend discussing with your event project manager ahead of time so our facilities are prepared. 

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